The Myth of Tiamat & Earth Origins Part 1| #annunaki #gaia #starseed #ancientmysteries

The Myth of Tiamat & Earth Origins Part 1| #annunaki #gaia #starseed #ancientmysteries

Zackaria Sitchin's "The Lost Book of Enki" comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago. Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki's species played a crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it in modern day. Moreover, the Prologue, titled "Attestation of Endubsar," recounts the tale of a scribe summoned by Enki himself to transcribe Enki's testimony onto clay tablets. This narrative unfolds as the authentic story of mankind, revealing a hidden and forbidden lost history on earth. Chapters: 00:41 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue 10:19 Tablet 1 29:00 Tablet 2 37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat 45:48 Tablet 3 59:23 Tablet 4 1:19:30 Tablet 5 Join this channel to get access to exclusive content and perks: 👁️‍🗨️ Join the Conversation! We encourage you to share your thoughts, insights, and questions in the comments section below. Let's engage in a respectful exchange of ideas and collectively unravel the mysteries that have fascinated generations. Remember to like, share, and subscribe as we continue to explore the unexplained together! 📧 For business, questions on subjects, or episode request, please contact us at: Email: [email protected] You can also follow us on ASTRAL LEGENDS Official Streaming Channel Coming Soon in 2024!