![[Sungrak Church] March 9, 2025 Love Your Wives Just as Christ Also Loved (Eph 5:25)](https://krtube.net/image/l-kVLVG2Azw.webp)
[Sungrak Church] March 9, 2025 Love Your Wives Just as Christ Also Loved (Eph 5:25)
#Lordsday #sungrakchurch #sungrakberea #sungrakbereamission Love Your Wives Just as Christ Also Loved Ephesians 5:25 Sermon by Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim 'Love Like Christ' (Eph 5:25) “My wife doesn’t respect me. Why should I love her? If I don’t feel it in my heart, why should I force myself to try?” Yes, you must. Indeed, the reason is clear. It does not rest on the other person. The fact that you are in Christ—this alone is reason enough. 1. Where There Is Need Why did the Samaritan help the Jewish man who was left half dead after being attacked by robbers? Was it because the man was wealthy? Because he was lovable? No, it was not. There was only one reason—because he was in need of help. It is the same with Christ’s love for us. He loves us not because we are lovable, but because without His love, we cannot live. 2. Love as a Willful Choice A husband’s love for his wife ought to be the same. He loves her not because she possesses lovable qualities, but because she is someone who needs his love. Love does not happen naturally—it is a choice. Just as the Lord washed the feet of His disciples, fully knowing how arrogant, jealous, and fickle they were, love is a choice. And it is not a one-time decision, but a choice that must be made day after day. That very love has now been given to us as a command. 3. Love Proven Through Sacrifice The love of this world seeks its own benefit, but God’s love sacrifices itself. Even before coming to this earth, Christ knew the suffering and hardship that would await Him. Yet, He laid down His authority as the Son to pay the price that love required. God commands husbands to love with this very kind of love. And He desires that such love be abundant within His church. Let us choose love. Let us love as Christ has loved. Overseer Sung-Hyun Kim ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※ Sungrak Church Lord's Day Service Place: Christian World Mission Center (CWMC) Address: Sindorim-ro 56-24, Guro-gu, Seoul, South Korea Service time: 07:00 AM 1st Service 09:00 AM 2nd Service 11:00 AM 3rd Service (English translation provided) 02:50 PM Union Service at CWMC ※ Sungrak English Gathering Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm Place: Young Berean House 2nd floor ※ Sungrak Mission Center Address: 379-5 Singil 5-dong, Yeongdeoungpo-gu, Seoul, South Korea Phone No.: 070-7300-6795 (English team) Email: [email protected] 성락침례교회 CCLI License #641140 CCLI Streaming License #1575311