12/24/24 “Christmas According to Mary” | 7pm | Hope MLUMC - Christmas Eve Service

12/24/24 “Christmas According to Mary” | 7pm | Hope MLUMC - Christmas Eve Service

Sermon Message: "Christmas According to Mary" By Pastor Tino Espinoza Sermon Series: “Characters in the Christmas Story” Scripture: Luke 2:1-7 Sermon Message: We come together to rejoice as we celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World. We may question how the world was changed by this birth. On the surface, it was just a peasant couple arriving late to Bethlehem because Mary, eight months pregnant was probably walking slow. Mary had baby Jesus soon after they arrived. Luke simply says, “While they were there, the time came for the Baby to be born” (2:6). And because there was no room for them in the inn, Mary wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger.” But Mary had heard the words of the angel, she knew the significance of this birth. because this baby will save His people from their sins. Then, let us rejoice that Jesus is born. Because even though nothing seems to change, according to Mary everything has changed. Mary and Joseph changed… those who experienced the first Christmas were changed. You and I have changed… and because you and I, Miami Lakes will change. Give online: https://onrealm.org/MiamiLakesUMC/-/g... “Please refer to our bulletins and weekly email for all weekly group gatherings and all other church news and upcoming events. You can also find this information in the church email. If you do not currently receive our church email, please fill out a connect card here https://www.hopemlumc.com/connect-card so that we may add you to our email list. Thank you.”