RESIDENT EVIL IV: REMAKE | Part.6 | 4K Gameplay Walkthrough (Gaming With Drew)

RESIDENT EVIL IV: REMAKE | Part.6 | 4K Gameplay Walkthrough (Gaming With Drew)

RESIDENT EVIL 4: REMAKE - 4K Gameplay Walkthrough - No HUD - HARDCORE The REmake for the industry changing game of the year of 2005 is here. I can’t believe how fast time flies, and this REmake is another reality check. RE4 released during one of the most impactful years of my life and I’m so grateful and excited to experience this game with all of you, for the first time again. I have so many memories with this game and now we get to make one together. This will be one of the most emotional “Gaming With Drew” episodes I’ve ever done. Why??’ll just have to watch and find out. LFG! ☣️ I want to dedicate this series to one of my long time best friends, Jonathan Kenniburg *My Brother For Life. This will be my farewell to you, old friend. "I Love You Forever Brother, & Rest In Peace. -Drew 🖤 Cinematic previews made from gameplay, to help encourage others to play & experience these games for themselves. Starting from VHS tapes as a kid to 4K Quality Gaming on YouTube. Please, Sit Back, Relax & Enjoy “From The Bottom of My Heart.. Thank You” 🎮🖤💙🤍❤️💚🎮 #GamerLife #GamerLifestyle LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE For More |    / drewthegamer   Follow Me On Twitter | Join Me Live On | Twitch.Tv/Drew_TheGam3r Follow Me On Lomotif | Join My Facebook Group | Chapters #GamingCinemaTheater #GamingWithDrew #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake