Extrinsic Pathway Of Coagulation / Pathology By S.K Sir / Pathology Lecture - 3

Extrinsic Pathway Of Coagulation / Pathology By S.K Sir / Pathology Lecture - 3

Hi Friends, I am S.K Welcomes you to my YouTube channel S.K Paramedical classes . About this channel ...... All of you watching YouTube channel S.K Paramedical Classes. This channel for every medical students. They do BSc nursing, and also paramedical diplomas. You learn here free medical classes . whats App group link : https://chat.whatsapp.com/FJOF5FBFPO5... Facebook group link :   / 26465.  . telegram group link : https://t.me/joinchat/Lh6x8By3yf9xnT2... About this lecture ....... in this lecture we read about exrinsic pathway of coagulation. last lecture link : APTT :    • HOW TO DO APTT ( ACTIVATED PARTIAL TH...   PT :    • What Is Prothrombin Time / Pathology ...   please like share amd subscribe our youtube channel s.k paramedical classes . #skparamedicalclasses #pathologybysksir #dmltsecondyearpathologyclass