Get maximum mileage by 100% accurate carburetor tuning with digital multimeter

Get maximum mileage by 100% accurate carburetor tuning with digital multimeter

The method shown by me is for educational and informative purpose only. I will not be liable for any substantial loss or damage that may occur due to my video. This video content is to create awareness and save fossil fuel for the future. Do it at your own risk. This method is applicable for all petrol driven vehicles having non fuel injector type carburetor. For newer vehicle or vehicle having tiptop running condition set the value to 13.6 volt. For very old vehicle or vehicle not on good working condition or vehicle running on very cold climatic condition or at very high altitude then set the value to 14.2 volt. In other cases depending on vehicles working condition and other parameters like engine condition, engine oil condition, engine stop or not responding to throttle properly, harsh driving style, desire for quick pickup, more power and output, you have to decide a value between 13.6 volt to 14.2 volt. For optimum mileage and performance please refer and follow the service manual or book issued with your vehicle by its maker and do thorough checkup and maintenance of your vehicle periodically as it is your asset. Steps as follows in brief: 1. Place the vehicle on a plane surface, start the vehicle, switch on headlight high beam and warm the engine for at least 3 minute. Do not apply the choke/choke lever on. 2. Connect digital multimeter's +ve probe to +ve terminal and -ve probe to -ve terminal of vehicle's battery . 3. Turn on digital multimeter and set it to DC 20 volt. 4. Turn idle RPM screw clockwise(or anticlockwise depending upon your manufacturer/make) to increase vehicle's/engine's RPM to get near about 14 volt. 5. Turn idle air and fuel mixture screw anticlockwise for more fuel to air mixture ratio or rich burn, and clockwise for low fuel to air mixture ratio or lean burn/ignition. 6. Watch the voltage values on digital multimeter and try to get the maximum voltage output/reading. 7. Our objective is to get maximum mileage by lean burn of fuel. So, after you got the maximum voltage, turn the air and fuel idle screw clockwise finally. After a certain leaning point you will notice that voltage is decreasing. At that time you have to turn/rotate the air and fuel mixture screw anticlockwise to set the maximum voltage output. That is the trick. 8. Turn idle RPM screw anticlockwise to decrease engine's RPM to set the steady voltage output to 13.6 volt. 9. Thats all and you did it. Thanks for watching my videos.