July 26 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Online Healing Mass Today | Fr Mario Sobrejuanite

July 26 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Online Healing Mass Today | Fr Mario Sobrejuanite

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Healing Mass with Fr Mar via online/video conferencing from Ariccia, Rome to your home. In cooperation with the ACTS Catholic Prayer Community. Jesus spoke to the crowd in parables: "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field..." (Gospel Mt. 13:44-52) #frmar #sundayhealingmass #frmariosobrejuanite #frmariosobrejuanite2020 #actscatholic #actsprayergroup #frmar2020 #pinoytvmass #pinoymass #livemass #onlinemass #videoconferencingmass #catholicmass #catholicTVmass #tv #philippinemass