October 23 - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Online Healing Mass | Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite.
Mass of the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time with Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP via online/video conferencing from Ariccia, Italy to your home, in cooperation with The ACTS Catholic Prayer Community. “I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former; for whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Gospel (Luke 18:9-14) #FrMar #FrMarioSobrejuanite #ACTSCatholicPrayerCommunity #ACTSGoesBeyondBorders #ACTSRefreshed #onemindoneheartonespirit #Christtotheendsoftheearth #ACTS10yearsofGod’sFaithfulness #OVERFLOWINGPROVIS10N #30thSundayinOrdinaryTime #WorldMissionSunday #ParableofthePhariseeandTaxCollector #PHARISEE #TAX COLLECTOR #HYPOCRISYvsHUMILITY #Godjustifiesthehumble #Bemercifultomeasinner #BEHUMBLE #JUSTIFIED #TaxCollectorJustified #RighteousPharisee #HYPOCRITE #Prideandarrogance #Truthfullyselfaware #Beatbreast #Griefandremorse #Hewhohumbleshimselfwillbeexalted #livemass #onlinemass #massforthehomebound #videoconferencingmass