Saturday 5:00pm Mass, July 3, 2021, Vigil for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 5:00pm Mass, July 3, 2021, Vigil for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 5:00pm Mass, live broadcast from St. Therese Catholic Church Stay Connected with St. Therese! Website: Links for the Online Bulletin, Facebook and YouTube are also on the Home Page of our website Online Bulletin: Online Contributions: Receive Parish Emails sent using Constant Contact: Text OCTROSE to 22828 to get started! (Message and data rates may apply) or, sign up online at: Facebook:   / sttheresecatholicchurchmooresville   YouTube:    / sttheresecatholicchurchmooresvillenc   Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License # M-400681. All rights reserved.