The Minecraft Movie IS GOOD NOW??

The Minecraft Movie IS GOOD NOW??

Now that we’re only like 2 months away from the movie, we’re finally getting a good look at everything in this movie. And thank god for that cause there is so many little details that I really like. I love the way shards of diamonds flake away when they craft the diamond sword. I love the pixelated hearts when the pandas spawn a baby. I like the way the redstones lights up when they set off the tnt Which doesn’t happen in game but it’s cool. Hey there! My name is Akira and I make videos where I talk about my interest! My number one goal is to make a fan base that will watch for my personality! I hope you subscribe! Also, please consider liking the video and leaving a comment! It really does help me out and I would very much appreciate it! You should Subscribe!    / @writeitout   Discord link:   / discord   Edited by me:    / @writeitout   Write It out Editing Showcase Reel:    • Write It Out Editing Showcase Reel 2024   Thumbnail made by me:    / @writeitout   Write It Out Voice Acting Demo Reel:    • Write It Out Voice Acting Demo Reel 2024   Character art made by:    / krydelineayc   Channel banner made by:   / sakuwawawa   Character profile made by:    / @hanaiyoo   Edited by me please hire me :) Thumbnail made by me Everything made by me I'm great at my job :) You should totally hire me please I need a job Please subscribe I need to feed my cat What are you doing all the way down here? :)