January 22, 2023 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In our first reading this Sunday, the prophet Isaiah tells us that “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” And in our Gospel passage we’re told that this “great light” for the people is the saving light of God in Christ Jesus. Paul emphasizes this light of Christ in our second reading as he speaks to the lack of unity among the Corinthian Christian community. It seems that rivalries have developed among them. Some are following what they say is the teaching of Cephas (Peter), some are following the way of Paul, and some are following a man named Apollos. This would be like us saying today, “I follow the way of Mother Teresa”, or “I follow the way of Pope John Paul”, or “I follow the way of Pope Francis.” Paul says in response: No! There is only one way, the way of Jesus the Christ! He is the one who gave his life for us! All flows from his light not the light of any other. Paul is helping us all to see that Christ is the source of our unity. Christ is the one holding us together whose body we form, whose cross we experience, and whose light shines on in the darkness of our difficulties. This light of Christ shines forth most clearly not in emphasizing the divisions among us, but in the respect that we have and show to each other. Fr. John Mark Ettensohn, OMI (Homily given by Fr. Jack Lau, OMI)