Mortal Kombat 1 (Guide for MK1 Invasion Season 10 / Season 2 Rerun / Klues, Gear, Farming & More)

Mortal Kombat 1 (Guide for MK1 Invasion Season 10 / Season 2 Rerun / Klues, Gear, Farming & More)

Guide for MK1 Invasion Season 10 (Season of the Blood Moon) with update details, klue solutions, gear locations and more! This is the PS5 version of Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns running on a launch PlayStation 5 with gameplay recorded at 4K 60fps. The game is also available on PC, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch. I hope you enjoy and if you're a fan of my videos please hit the like button and/or subscribe! Your support helps me continue to make videos just like this. Chapters ---------------------------- 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:36 Changes & Updates 00:10:06 Pink Floyd 00:15:11 Ornate Keys 00:20:25 Before You Start 00:32:01 Klues Explanation 00:33:10 Klues Solutions 00:52:44 Treasures, Skins & Gear 01:19:01 Fast Traveling 01:19:33 Shops (Katalysts, Komponents & Buffs) 01:24:46 Shops (Towers of Time) 01:25:43 Shops (Special Konsumables) 01:27:10 Shops (Potions) 01:29:01 Shops (Talismans & Relics) 01:33:04 Invincible Relic (Shop) 01:34:11 Talismans 01:40:59 Relics 01:51:42 Re-Allocating Stats 01:53:13 Invincible Relic (Explanation) 02:04:24 Full Herb Stages 02:13:39 Full Booster Stage 02:18:47 Towers of Time 02:34:01 5 Million Points Trophy 02:35:43 Farming XP & Currency 02:44:18 Krown Farming 02:49:51 Seasonal Tower 02:55:47 Titan Battles 03:00:48 Final Thoughts Ornate Keys ---------------------------- Keys can be earned from these stages without beating the final invasion boss first: Fire Temple: Survive (Destroy Demons), Block Buster, Test Your Might Sun Do Festival: Character Trial Takeda, Block Buster, Test Your Might, Survive (Protect Kashoo) Living Forest: Survive (Cyrax Bomb), Test Your Might, Order Trial Baraka Shang Tsung's Laboratory: Survive (Destroy Rocks), Animal Kombat Raiden, Order Trial Kenshi, Block Buster Tarkatan Colony: Character Trial Mileena, Quick Draw Baraka, Survive (Destroy Orb), Block Buster Rampart: Stand Back, Electric Umgadi, Kombo Trial Kitana, Quick Draw Scorpion, Survive (Blood Vines) These keys can only be earned after beating the final invasion boss, as they're located in stages that are behind the blood barriers: Fire Temple: Quick Draw Ermac, Animal Kombat Random, Survive (Falling Heads) Sun Do Festival: Kombo Trial Geras, Quick Draw Random Living Forest: Brutal Kombat Random, Character Trial Ashrah Shang Tsung's Laboratory: Fatal Kombat Random Tarkatan Colony: Test Your Might Random Rampart: Major Malfunction Random Map Key Items ---------------------------- These stages hold the key items required to progress to each mesa's invading boss: Fire Temple: Pretty Painful Sun Do Festival: Who's Next (Omhe Nru Klue Stage) Living Forest: In The Dark (Spicy Ketchup Klue Stage) Tarkatan Colony: Talk To The Fan Rampart: Golden Gaze Cage Koins ---------------------------- These stages hold the Cage Koins that are required to access the Johnny Cage stages: Fire Temple: Ghost Guy Sun Do Festival: Not A Dream Living Forest: Forge (Near Map Start) Shang Tsung's Laboratory: Hydro Who?? Rampart: Just A Taste (Final Invasion Boss) Additional Notes ---------------------------- I also just wanted to clarify that I'm aware that this isn't officially Season 10 and is instead a repeat of Season 2 with a few updates and differences, but I'll be keeping the labels in the title and description because there are a lot of players searching up Season 10 in reference to this season. When we get an official Season 10 release, I'll come back and edit the video to remove any confusion. Streams & More! ---------------------------- ● Twitch:   / 8bitbasement   ● Stream VODs:    / @8-bitbasementlive