Top 5 Most Common Dreams - Dream Decode
Description Our channel provides detailed islamic dream interpretations from an authentic source (Info provided below). IBN SEERIN'S DICTIONARY OF DREAMS Muhammad Ibn Seerin Al-Basri, may Allah shower his mercy upon him, born in the city of Basra in Iraq, in the year 33 A.H. (653 A.D.) Imam Ibn Seerin was a renowned writer and a respected religious scholar of his time. INTRODUCTION Dream interpretation requires vast knowledge, clear perception, and sensitivity. Such knowledge must be based on the fundamentals of one's religion, inner spiritual values, moral and cultural traditions. The beginner in this field must know that there are two types of dreams: one type that comes from God Almighty, and the second type comes from Satan. Some interpreters divide dreams in three categories: 1. a good dream which is a glad tiding from God Almighty; 2. a dream that rises from one's desires and inclinations 3. a distressful dream that is prompted by Satan