(NG, ch.6) Pulling the most undeserved victory against Jade Emperor's right hand, and I'm ok with it

(NG, ch.6) Pulling the most undeserved victory against Jade Emperor's right hand, and I'm ok with it

Black Myth: Wukong first playthrough (NG) day 9 / highlight #1 (Supreme Inspector | This could've been a cool boss if my mood wasn't soured by chapter 5 from before. He does have plethora of moves where you just have to know the timing of when to evade which I've already explained; is a cheap way to increase difficulty in any fight but oh well. Maybe next playthrough the full potential of enjoyment from this fight can be realised ^^)   / definitive_unit   Playlist in order:    • Black Myth: Wukong first playthrough