What if our Beard turned into Snakes? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

What if our Beard turned into Snakes? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

If our Beard turned into Snakes: Hairdressers will definitely leave for a different planet. Person with the longest Beard will be feared by all. Snakes are used to shedding their skin, we may start finding them everywhere. People with ophidiophobia, as in, fear of snakes may start wearing huge masks at all times. All wild animals may shift to a different planet. Trimming our Beard will be a thing of the past now. Some people may have snake bite marks all over their face. Even villains will start running away from us. Thieves will take full advantage of this. Even Aliens may start carrying out experiments on their Beard. Timecodes 0:00 - What if our Beard turned into Snakes? 1:41 - What if Clocks & Watches Disappeared? 2:54 - Why do Turtles Eat Plastic? 4:00 - What if all Volcanoes Erupted at Once? 5:05 - What if we start Mining Asteroids? 6:07 - Why do our Eyes become Red? 7:13 - What if Sun suddenly became half its Size? 8:15 - Why do our Eyes Twitch? 9:22 - What if Earth's Core Cooled Down? Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com