Penicuik Trinity Community Church Christmas Day Sunday 25 December 2022

Penicuik Trinity Community Church Christmas Day Sunday 25 December 2022

Welcome to our Christmas Day Sunday service. Our Celebration service was led by Rev John Urquhart. Members of the congregation supported the service. Susan Wong read the opening prayer, Vicky Nicholson read Luke 2: v22-40, and Joan Cape led the Prayers for Other People and Ourselves. Songs that were sung during the service can be found on these links:- OPENING MUSIC: A child is born    • A Child is Born (Official Music Video...   1. O come all ye faithful    • O come all ye faithful   2. This Child    • This Child - Graham Kendrick (Lyric V...   3. REFLECTIVE MUSIC: Lord God, now let your servant depart in peace    • Lord God, Now Let Your Servant Depart...   4. Holy Jesus, God Incarnate    • Advent Day 16: Kirk ministers present...   5. Once in royal David's city    • Once in Royal David's City   Visit https://www.penicuiktrinitycommunity.... for more information Next Services: Sunday 1 January - New Year’s Day 11.00am Joint Service at Penicuik North Kirk Sunday 8 January 11.00am Service at Trinity Community Church