Dr. Strange and Wong vs. Gargantos Fight Scene [No BGM] | Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Dr. Strange and Wong vs. Gargantos Fight Scene [No BGM] | Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

During Christine Palmer's wedding, an invisible entity terrorizes the streets of New York. Doctor Strange reveals the entity as Gargantos, a gigantic tentacled monster inspired by Shuma-Gorath. Wong arrives at the scene from Kamar-Taj, and together they kill Gargantos. Doctor Strange and Wong question Chavez, and she explains that the demons were hunting her for her powers. What do you think of the fight scene? Did you find any interesting facts? Do you have any suggestions or ideas? Share your opinion with the world in the comment section below. I put the video in 4K, extracted the background music score, and removed the irrelevant parts of the scene to help you focus thoroughly on CGI, SFX, and the acting. 0:00 | Gargantos Terrorizes the Streets of New York 0:23 | Doctor Strange Saves America Chavez from Gargantos 0:55 | Wong Saves America Chavez from Gargantos 1:39 | Doctor Strange Saves Wong from Gargantos 1:52 | Doctor Strange and Wong vs. Gargantos 2:31 | Doctor Strange Kills Gargantos [Gargantos's Death] 3:00 | More Scenes [The Original Movie] Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Release date: May 6, 2022 Director: Sam Raimi Writer: Michael Waldron Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Xochitl Gomez IMDB: 6.9 of 10 based on 427,907 users https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9419884/ © 2022 MARVEL © 2022 Disney Entertainment #DoctorStrangeintheMultiverseofMadness #Gargantos #DoctorStrange #Wong #AmericaChavez