N52 Valve Cover Gasket (In Under 6 Minutes!)
In today's video, we're changing the valve cover gasket and associated seals on this E91 328i! The procedure will be the same for all N52-powered cars, such as the 528i and 128i (also x-drive models). Below are some of the parts you'll need for this job, comment down below with any questions or tips on how you completed this yourself! Parts: N52 Valve Cover Gasket Set - 11127582245 Valvetronic Motor Seal - 11127552280 Eccentric Shaft Sensor Seal - 11127559699 Thanks for watching! Don't forget to check out The Bimmer Barn store to grab some merchandise, and get exclusive access to EXTRA content through our Patreon! :) https://thebimmerbarn.com / thebimmerbarn