Drug Dose, Types and it's Dosage Forms ( Pharm- kinetic LEC 04 ) | Gene- Pharma (Part 05)
About Video : This video best explain Dosing of Drug, various types of doses , i.e Minimal dose , Therapeutic dose , Maintainance dose , Toxic dose , Lethal dose , Pediatric dose . You will also learn about various forms of drug dosing i.e suspension form, liquid form, solid form and gaseous form. Whether you are medical student, nursing student or any other health care professionals this video provide comprehensive introduction to drug dosing and it's types. By the end of this lecture you will have crystal clear concepts about drug dosing and it's dosage forms 👍 Drop a like and comment 💬 if you found the video helpful / fun and share it with your friends📱📲 🌍STAY IN TOUCH : 🔗 Linktree : 📷INSTAGRAM : medico._master ✉️Email :[email protected]