[슈가캠] 키썸(Kisum)x자이언트핑크(Giant Pink) - 키썸 '2019 즐거운 생활'♪ 슈가맨3(SUGARMAN3) 4회
슈가맨 : 45 RPM / 쇼맨 : 키썸&자이언트핑크 / 편곡 : 케이준, 이승우 에너지 넘치는 랩에 일렉기타와 클래식 비트로 더욱 신나게 편곡된 키썸x자이언트핑크의 '2019 즐거운 생활'♪ Please enter subtitle of this video in your own language Anybody can enter subtitle by referring to existing English subtitle You can make viewers all over the world pleased with your subtitle Please click below link if you are interested in participating with subtitle ◎ SUBTITLE SUBMITTING TUTORIAL ✍ Contribute closed captions and subtitles ☞ ▶ "JTBC Youtube channel communicating with fans faster" View more videos & informations ☞ 📢 Homepage : 📢 Youtube : 📢 Facebook : 📢 Twitter : 📢 INSTAGRAM :