This Simple Melody Writing Trick will Transform your Songwriting!

This Simple Melody Writing Trick will Transform your Songwriting!

For more HOT SONGWRITING TIPS, check out our 🌶 Songwriting Course! "The Songwriting Process Start to Finish" - 3 hours of perfectly sequenced learning, with demonstrations, examples, and 18 downloadable resources - all for LESS THAN $30 - This simple trick will transform the way you write melodies. Period. 👪 Join a Songwriting Group: 🔶 Join our international Songwriters Community - get access to free workshops, live feedback sessions with Keppie and Benny, and more: ABOUT BENNY Hi I'm Benny. My passion for music and creativity stretches across multiple disciplines and art-forms. I am a founding member and songwriter / lap-slide guitarist for one of Australia's best and most bearded country-bluegrass-folk bands, THE GREEN MOHAIR SUITS. To date the Mohairs have released 4 full-length albums and tour both nationally and overseas. I am also the Founder and Head Producer of SILAMOR STUDIOS, a boutique studio specialising in Composition for Film, TV and Interactive Media. I write extensively across various instrumental and lyric-based genres and has been commissioned for major projects by Adobe, Cathay Pacific and Audible. I currently release original songs under the name SILAMOR. I am also passionate about education and have taught song and lyric writing as well as film composition for JMC Academy, Collarts and the Australian Institute of Music. I design and regularly facilitate workshops on creative process and innovation. Links to Bennny's music are here: The Green Mohair Suits SILAMOR #songwriting #howtowritesongs #howtowriteasong #howtoplayguitarforbeginners #howtoplayguitar #howtoplaychords #guitartips #guitartutorial #learnguitar