Fantasy Fudge & a bonus 3 ingredient fudge

Fantasy Fudge & a bonus 3 ingredient fudge

Fantasy Fudge 3 cups sugar 3/4 cup butter 5oz evaporated milk 12 oz semi sweet choc chips 7 oz container marshmallow fluff Vanilla 1 cup chopped walnuts(optional) Melt butter milk and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Bring to a boil and boil on med high heat until it reaches 234°. Once it reaches temp remove from heat and add chocolate, marshmallow fluff, vanilla and nuts. Stir until combined. Pour in pan 9inch square pan that has been lined with tin foil or parchment. Allow to cool and set. Then slice, eat, and enjoy. Easy 3 ingredient fudge 2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips 1 can sweetened condensed milk Vanilla Pour chocolate and milk in a bowl and heat in microwave 30 second increments until melted mix in vanilla and pour into a pan lined with tinfoil or parchment. Slice, eat and enjoy! Kitchen scarfs: [email protected] embroidery: Stitches By Steph:   / stitchesbysteph   Thank you so much for watching! Please share my videos with all your family and friends.  Thank you so much for all your support and for taking time to visit with me down on the farm! May God bless you all! You can also visit with me on Facebook at:   / the-farming-pastors-wife-425918534480617   And please join my Instagram family @: thefarmingpastorswife also go and like our church's page @:   / browersmemorial   Email address is: [email protected] Leslie (The Farming Pastor's Wife) mail can be sent to: Leslie Madren P.O. Box 4574 Asheboro NC , 27204 music in this vlog is from: epidemic sound Disclaimer: I am sometimes asked to review products. I receive the product for free and I am able to provide you with a honest review of my thoughts on the product. You can trust that I will never promote a product that I myself would not purchase. This video does not contain a product review.