Black Body Radiations in Urdu Hindi || 12th Class Physics-Chapter #19 || 2nd year Physics
Blackbody radiation refers to the spectrum of light emitted by any heated object; common examples include the heating element of a toaster and the filament of a light bulb. The spectral intensity of blackbody radiation peaks at a frequency that increases with the temperature of the emitting body: room temperature objects (about 300 K) emit radiation with a peak intensity in the far infrared; radiation from toaster filaments and light bulb filaments (about 700 K and 2,000 K, respectively) also peak in the infrared, though their spectra extend progressively into the visible; while the 6,000 K surface of the Sun emits blackbody radiation that peaks in the centre of the visible range. In the late 1890s, calculations of the spectrum of blackbody radiation based on classical electromagnetic theory and thermodynamics could not duplicate the results of careful measurements. In fact, the calculations predicted the absurd result that, at any temperature, the spectral intensity increases without limit as a function of frequency. #BaseAcademyPhysics #12thClassPhysics #AdeelAkhtar #ModernPhysics Previous Videos Operational Amplifier as Inverting Amplifier 👉 • OP as Inverting Amplifier || Chapter ... OP as Night Switch 👉 • OP AS Night Switch || 12th Class Phys...