Bible in a Year-Day 79-एक वर्ष में बाइबल पढ़ें #Bible365Hindi #hindichristianmessage #bibleinoneyear

Bible in a Year-Day 79-एक वर्ष में बाइबल पढ़ें #Bible365Hindi #hindichristianmessage #bibleinoneyear

प्रिय विश्वासियों, चैनल प्रतिदिन सुनकर एक वर्ष में बाइबल पढ़ने को पूरा करने में मदद करता है। जो कोई भी यह जानने में रुचि रखता है कि बाइबल में क्या है, उसे खिलाता है। हम प्रार्थना करते हैं, बाइबिल पढ़ने की यात्रा के दौरान भगवान आपके परिवार के साथ रहें। जय भगवन। Beloved Believers, The channel helps to complete Bible reading in a year by listening every day. Feeds whoever interested to know what's in the Bible. Today's Scripture (w/ Timeline): 00:00 - Intro 00:14 - व्यवस्थाविवरण 3 / Deuteronomy 3 07:20 - व्यवस्थाविवरण 4 / Deuteronomy 4 19:45 - I कुरिन्थियों 13 / I Corinthians 13 21:56 - I कुरिन्थियों 14 / I Corinthians 14 28:14 - भजन संहिता 79 / Psalms 79 30:09 - Outro Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe to this channel. BG Photo by Hans Eiskonen from #HindiBible, #Bible365Hindi, #Hindibiblevachan, #hindibiblevideos, #hindibiblekahani, #hindichristianpreaching, #hindichristianmessage, #Bible365Days, #tpmmessage, #jesusredeems #jesusbhajan, #jesuslovesyouofficial, #jesussonghindi, #hindijesussong, #hindi, #hindiministries, #marathibible, #walkwithjesus. #biblestudy #marathibiblevachan,#hindiworship, #punjabibibleverse, #punjabibible, #punjabibibleverse, #morningprayerinhindi #marathibiblevachan #gujaratibible #gujaratibibleverse #gujaratinews #gujaratibiblemessage #gujaratichannel #gujaratichristiansong #marathichristiansongs #masihgeet #yeshuchegane #jesusworldstatus #BibleMarathi #biblestudy #biblestorieshindi #biblereadingforsleep #biblereadingfellowship #biblereadingdaily #biblereadingaudio #bibleread #christiangospelvoice #biblereaders #Readbible365days #marathibiblesandesh #jesus Hindi Bible study, Hindi Bible Audio, hindi bible shiksha, punjabi songs, hindi bible gyan, hindi christian, bible verse of the day, hindi christian songs, hindi vajan, hindi vachan, hindi bible reading, hindi bible audio, today's bible verse, daily bible verse, verse of the day, bible verse for today morning, daily bible reading, bible verse of the day, verse of the day with reflection, bible reading for today, short bible reading for today, bible quote of the day, thanksgiving scriptures, daily bible verse of the day, verse of the day kjv, daily bible verse with explanation, word of the day bible, todays bible verse, morning bible verse, today's scripture reading, daily bible verse app, random bible verse of the day, bible scripture of the day, bible scripture for today, bible daily devotional, daily scripture verse, free daily scripture text messages, todays verse in hindi, #tpmmessage #jesuschrist #today #jesuslovesyou #jesuslovesyou #tpmhindisongs today's gospel reading, today's scripture reading, bible passage for today, scripture verse for today, verse of the day, bible text toda, biblical verse for today, biblical reading for today, gospel today reading, daily bible reading, bible verse for today morning, bible reading of the day, jesus christ, christmas hindi songs, Christian songs, jesus songs, king james bible audio download, todays gospel, praise and worship songs list, bible app that reads to you, king james bible audio, one year bible reading plan, reading the bible, audible bible free, christian worship songs, Everyday Bible, today's gospel reading, today's scripture reading, bible passage for today, scripture verse for today, god verse of the day, bible text for today, biblical verse for today, biblical reading for today, gospel today reading, daily bible reading, bible verse for today morning, bible reading of the day, tamil Bible, bible audio download free, today's gospel, praise and worship songs list, one year bible reading plan, reading the bible, audible bible free, christian worship songs, today's scripture reading, praise and worship, read through the bible in a year, todays bible verse, bible reading audio, one year bible, free daily bible reading, bible study for beginners, online bible study groups, today's gospel reading, mass readings for today, today's gospel, bible reading plan 2024, bible reading for today, bible in a year reading plan, today's bible verse, praise and worship songs, bible verse for today, bible lessons, how to read bible everyday, hindi study bible, bible training, audio bible, bible online, daily bible study, daily bible story, bible motivation for the day, youth bible study lessons in Hindi, bible timeline daily mass readings, read bible online, daily bible, bible training, daily bible study, daily bible story, bible motivation for the day, youth bible study lessons in hindi, bedtime bible stories for grown ups, new king james audio bible, reading of the bible, motivational sermons, holy mass daily readings, book of psalms audio bible, the bible for dummies, bible prayers for bedtime, bible in a year day 365, new year christian messages, scriptures to sleep peacefully, Today's promise, Hindi bible quiz, In touch ministries, Grace for purpose prayers