खांसी-सांस फूलना हो सकते हैं अस्थमा के संकेत | What Is Allergic Asthma?
खांसी-सांस फूलना हो सकते हैं अस्थमा के संकेत | What Is Allergic Asthma? In this video, Dr. Nivedita discusses asthma disease & several tests for asthma. Many people have breathing problems, but that doesn’t mean they have asthma. If a person occurs breathlessness for the first time, that doesn’t mean he/she has asthma disease. People who feel breathlessness more frequently can be a sign of asthma. The doctor performs some tests like CBC with ESR & IGE, and PHADIATOP. CBC with ESR is the primary test to check for asthma. If the complete blood count is higher than normal then further treatment starts. If previous test results are positive only, then a particular test is performed PFT(Pulmonary Function Test). In PFT, two kinds of finding show restrictive airways or obstructive airways; if restrictive shows, you may have pneumonia, covid, or ILD disease. If obstructive shows, then you may have COPD or asthma. If you want a complete cure for your disease, allopathic treatment cannot help with asthma or similar diseases because allopathy gives symptomatic treatment. But in Ayurveda, treatment is given according to the cause and works on your immunity so that you stay protected from these types of diseases further. If you have any questions about the video or asthma, please contact us at the number below or visit us at the address listed below. SRIAAS Address: Address: B-92, Sushant Lok, Phase 1, Gurgaon, Haryana, Near Huda City Metro Station #asthma #breathing #asthmatreatment