Creating the WORST HOME ALONE INJURIES of All Time

Creating the WORST HOME ALONE INJURIES of All Time

In this episode of Bro Labs, we take you behind the scenes for the filming of "Grandma's Home Alone Self Defense" with Ross Smith and Chris Colditz, where I will be giving my professional opinion on just how painful and damaging Home Alone traps can be. WARNING: do not try this at home. These challenges are done with medically trained personnel on standby and after serious research is done on the devices used along with the potential injuries which may result. I've consulted with my medical professional on the proper way to test these devices while minimizing long term harm. The satirical nature presented in the video is for entertainment purposes only and does not endorse the behavior displayed. Done improperly, these actions can lead to serious injury. Subscribe to Ross Smith -    / @rosssmith3226   Subscribe to Chris Colditz -    / @chriscolditz   BUY MY MERCH - SUPPORT ME ON PATREON - MY INSTAGRAM - MY TWITTER - MY FACEBOOK PAGE - MORE BODYBUILDER VS - MORE BRO LABS - SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING AWESOME PEOPLE FOR SUPPORTING US ON PATREON Executive Producers: Listed at the end of the video. I ran out of characters in the description box... Producers: Bradley Shutler, Jim Edwards, Chris Powell, Jett Carter, Chris Speich, Mahoganie Williams, Gabriel, Nordin Ben Allal, Mrsherman229, Richard Hogberg, Hayden Winters, Mallory Wood, Michel Gauthier, Justin Smyiff, Miguel Jovel, Carl Evans, Matthew Coronado, Dustin Hall, Jonathan Matsui, Nicholas Aparicio, Lucy Moore, Holly Hemmerlein, Ethen Maughan, Aidanation5, Anthony, Dominic Sanchez, Issacc Pitt. Ryan T., William Brown, Matt Lewis, John W Gilkerson, Pete, Derca, LUPIA LUPIA, Patrick Gentz, Samuel Solis, Ryan Thomas, Tim Evans, Max lynn, Frank Martin, Aaron Holt, Aunt NINA Rocks, Linqacex, Brady Bowles, Tim Daniel, Luke Hill, Bryan Cornelsen, Bryce Armstrong, 20654, Miguel Ramirez, John Leal Brice, Alan Li, Tank_907, Ry J, Josh Robbins, Donnie8915, Philip Shapiro, Anders Nielsen, Benjamin Griese, Brody Tapp, Evan Wrzesinski, JohnnyBoy, Rammsy Hartmann, Jacob Bloom, Connor, Bryan, Grey Skies, Ben, Kristoff Mills, Eli Campbell, Voltflo, Blair Harvey, Putin, Derek Handel, Nathan Pleming, Matthew Pletsch, Kaine Suansing, Elayna Watson, Brandon M Stevens, Nathan Maxfield, Bryan, Gabe Turner, Collin Campbell, Hinges, Howzer, Bry Lop, E, TheGamingVibe, Holly Lee Morrow, Papa Salami, Anthony Lucero, ShastaShaman, Rexyberg19, Jacob Edmonds, DustyG, Gage Rabideaux, James Newman, Jarret Brimhall, Legio I Italica, Return_Null, Radman, Tim Zayac, Evilguru, Eric J Ricard, Campbell Hurst, Mr. Reaper, Gregory Ferland, Jason Eisenman, Matt, Toby Haley, Nick Andrews