Attract Money | Money Magnet Audible Layered Affirmations + Music + Subliminal | Money Meditation
You are a money magnet! This video will help you to transform your beliefs about yourself. The more you listen, the more familiar these statements become. At first you might feel some resistance, but as you become more comfortable by hearing these over and over, you will start repeating them to yourself with a knowing that thisnis who you are now. Do subliminals even work?? That's a common question. My experiences have absolutely proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do! Subliminals help transform your beliefs. This transformation occurs in stages. Initially you will feel resistance to the statements; they will feel like "lies". The point is to never give up and keep listening! The more you listen the quicker you move into the next stage, where the statements start to feel familiar, and although you still might say they are not true, the ideas start to feel familiar to you and you become more open to them. Then, as you continue, you will find yourself starting to imagine, what if they were true, and imagine that reality. Then you start to resonate more and more with them until they literally become a part of your identity! Then you start to notice small synchronicities and "coincidences" that are in line with these statements. You will start attracting things and people into your life to make this a reality. This all can happen INSTANTLY! However, for many people, its a gradual process unless you are accustomed to quantum jumping. Once you get good at changing your reality, anything you want happens much more quickly. Especially when you start to build confidence in your ability by seeing the things you have managed to manifest in the past. KEEP GOING AND NEVER GIVE UP! You cannot fail unless you QUIT! NOTHING is more powerful than subliminals tailored specifically for you! When combined with statements of things that are ALREADY true, and questions that assume its already true, it sort of tricks your subconscious mind into accepting it. I am currently open for orders to make customized subliminals. These can be either audio or video or both! ABOUT MY SUBLIMINALS: Most of my subliminal videos contain audible affirmations. Sometimes I use overlapping affirmations. You can try to follow what Im saying, or you can simply relax and let your subconscious listen. There are also messages flashing on the screen randomly which you may or may not see. Its not necessary for you to see them consciously. Just like how they say that messages are embedded in movies at the theater telling you to go buy popcorn. It works! Although I make no guarantees, it works for me and millions of other people. You can listen to my subliminals day or night, even while sleeping. Please consult with your physician on the safety of the use of subliminals and understand that my videos are not intended to give or a substitute for medical advice. Be aware that they do contain flashes of light and could be a problem for those sensitive to it. Use at your own risk and discretion. Graphics: @freestuff-motiongraphics