POP vs GYPSUM. Which false ceiling is best based on cost, design, cracks, brands, life with 91homes

POP vs GYPSUM. Which false ceiling is best based on cost, design, cracks, brands, life with 91homes

To DESIGN your home (Interior Designing Services), click here - https://wa.me/7217804220 For Expert Advice from interior designer (Expert Advice Services), click here - https://91homes.in/ In this video, we will understand which false ceiling is best among POP and Gypsum based on the followings - 1. Design 2. Speed 3. Cost 4. Cracks 5. Life 6. Finishing 7. Thermal Insulation 8. Brands ___________________________________________________________________________ इस वीडियो में, हम निम्नलिखित के आधार पर समझेंगे कि पीओपी और जिप्सम में से कौन सी फॉल्स सीलिंग सबसे अच्छी है - 1. डिज़ाइन 2. गति 3. लागत 4. दरारें 5. जीवन 6. समापन 7. थर्मल इन्सुलेशन 8. ब्रांड #interiordesign #interiorwork