POP vs GYPSUM. Which false ceiling is best based on cost, design, cracks, brands, life with 91homes
To DESIGN your home (Interior Designing Services), click here - https://wa.me/7217804220 For Expert Advice from interior designer (Expert Advice Services), click here - https://91homes.in/ In this video, we will understand which false ceiling is best among POP and Gypsum based on the followings - 1. Design 2. Speed 3. Cost 4. Cracks 5. Life 6. Finishing 7. Thermal Insulation 8. Brands ___________________________________________________________________________ इस वीडियो में, हम निम्नलिखित के आधार पर समझेंगे कि पीओपी और जिप्सम में से कौन सी फॉल्स सीलिंग सबसे अच्छी है - 1. डिज़ाइन 2. गति 3. लागत 4. दरारें 5. जीवन 6. समापन 7. थर्मल इन्सुलेशन 8. ब्रांड #interiordesign #interiorwork