[ENG] 게살스프 만들기, 크래미스프 만들기, 게살스프 레시피, Taste Fine Chinese Restaurant Soup with Imitation Crab Meat
#술안주 #주당언니 #게살스프만들기 숙취에 시달리는 아침 날! 이거 한 그릇이면 리셋될 것 같아~ 생강 향이 중식 느낌 내는데 한몫 톡톡히 하는군 후루룩후루룩 목 넘김까지 쵝오!! -재료(2인분) 크래미 4개 팽이버섯 1팩 계란(흰자)2개 마늘 6개 대파(흰색 부분) 1/3개 쪽파 약간 진간장 1큰술 치킨스톡 1큰술 생강가루 1/2작은술 후추 약간 물 700ml 오일 1큰술 (전분물 재료) 전분 가루 (감자,고구마, 옥수수 ok) 2큰술 물 3큰술 -간단레시피 1 크래미와 야채는 크기에 맞게 썰어 주세요 2 오일을 두른 팬에 대파, 마늘, 생강가루, 간장, 크래미, 팽이버섯을 넣고 볶다가 물과 치킨스톡, 후추를 넣고 끓여주세요 3 스프가 끓으면 계란흰자를 넣고 끓인 후 전분물을 부어 걸쭉한 상태의 농도가 되었을 때 드세요 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This recipe is a soup made with imitation crab meat This crab meat soup will refresh your body and mind on a morning with a severe hangover The subtle ginger scent gives it the taste of a high-end Chinese restaurant This will warmly and gently comfort you who are tired of life! Let’s all cheer up! Ingredients (2 Servings) - 4 sticks of imitation crab meat - 1 pack of enoki mushrooms - 2 eggs (whites) - 6 cloves of garlic - 1/3 green onion (white part) - some chives - 1 tbsp of thick soy sauce - 1 tbsp of chicken stock - 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder - some pepper - 700ml of water - 1 tbsp of oil Ingredients for starch water - 2 tbsp of starch powder (potato starch, sweet potato starch, corn starch are all ok) - 3 tbsp of water Simple recipe 1 Prepare the crab meat and vegetables according to the size 2 Add green onion, garlic, ginger powder, soy sauce, crab meat, and enoki mushrooms to a pan with oil, stir-fry them, add water, chicken stock, and pepper, and bring to a boil 3 When the soup boils, add the egg whites, pour in the starch water, and eat when it becomes thick #크래미스프만들기 #게살죽 #크래미스프 #크래미 #크래미요리 #중식 #중국요리 #팽이버섯 #버섯요리 #계란탕 #asmrfood #asmrsounds #asmreating #asmrvideo #asmreatingsounds #asmreatingfood