How Would TWICE (트와이스) Sing KEP1ER (케플러) LVLY | Line Distribution

How Would TWICE (트와이스) Sing KEP1ER (케플러) LVLY | Line Distribution

How Would TWICE (트와이스) Sing KEP1ER (케플러) LVLY | Line Distribution Variation Credit: Ultimate Kpop Song: LVLY Artist: KEP1ER (케플러) Album: LOVESTRUCK! Release: 2023.04.10 License: WAKEONE Entertainment Members: Nayeon - Sky Blue Jeongyeon (My Bias) - Yellow-Green Momo - Pink Sana - Purple Jihyo - Apricot Mina - Mint Dahyun - White/Grey Chaeyoung - Red Tzuyu - Blue TWICE 트와이스 KEP1ER 케플러 LOVESTRUCK! Giddy LVLY Back to the City Why Happy Ending WAKEONE Entertainment ONCE Kpop Line Distribution honey yjy