The moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod of mass M and length L about an RT DTS 06 Q1

The moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod of mass M and length L about an RT DTS 06 Q1

The moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod of mass M and length L about an axis passing through its midpoint and perpendicular to its length is I_{0} Its moment of inertia about an axis passing through one of its ends and perpendicular to its length is you can learn complete physics for jee neet cuet through my channel without any fee. you will get full length classroom video, study material, dpps and their video solutions on my channel. #PYQ #previousyearquestions #workenergypower # Work-Energy-Power #jee #neet #electrostatics #physics #aakash #allen #physicswallah #motion #pw #competition #neet2023 #neetmotivation #neetcoaching #IIT-JEE| #Geeneralphysics #kinematics #11thphysics #11thclass #esaral_learning #esaralneet #esaral_neet #esaral_jee #esaral #nishant_sir_unacademy #etoosindianeet #etooseducation #vedantu #vedantacademy #sachinsirphysics #competition_wallah #mrsirphysics #mrsirphysicswallah #mrsirphysicskota #mrsirkota #jeemain #jeeadvance #pwdisciple #theapronboy #bhannatmaths #nishantjindal # jeewallah #theudaari # vyasedification #pwemotions #vaibhavkapoor #ayushtiwari #beastchemist #anipwdox # allenbrajeshmeheshwari #mohittyagi #pwvidyapeethkota #esaral_learning #sankalpjauhari #doctor #joshtalks #sankalpjauhari #theudaari #physicsgalaxy #mrsirphysicskota #shobhitnirwan #general physics #laws of motion #work #energy #power #centre of mass #conservation of momentum #rotation #gravitation #fluid mechanics #properties of matter #kinematics #heat and thermo #kinetic theory of gases #shm and waves #calorimetery #radiation #current electricity #electromagnetism #alternating current #electromagnetic waves #ray optics #wave optics #modern physics #semiconductor #atomic structure #photoelectric effect #xrays #nuclear physics #radioactivity #transistor #logic gates