Things We Said Today Beatles drum and bass lyrics chords tabs
Tempo 142 "Things We Said Today" drum and bass Written by: John Lennon / Paul McCartney Song Written: May 1964 Song Recorded: June 2 and 3, 1964 First US Release Date: July 20, 1964 First US Album Release: Capitol #ST-2108 "Something New" US Single Release: Capitol #ST-17692 (white vinyl) Highest Chart Position: n/a British Album Release: Parlophone #PCS 3058 "A Hard Day's Night" Length: 2:38 Key: A minor Producer: George Martin Engineers: Norman Smith, Ken Scott Instrumentation (most likely): Paul McCartney - Vocals, Bass Guitar (1963 Hofner 500/1) John Lennon - Rhythm Guitar (1962 Gibson J160E), Piano ( Steinway Modell B Music Room ) George Harrison - Lead Guitar (1963 Gretsch 6110 Tennessean) Ringo Starr - Drums (1964 Ludwig Super Classic Black Oyster Pearl), tambourine