Day 16 | Present Perfect Continuous Tense | Spoken English Course | Basics & Advanced Grammar #tense

Day 16 | Present Perfect Continuous Tense | Spoken English Course | Basics & Advanced Grammar #tense 👆🏻 Class Notes and Free Resources 🔴 25 Days Spoken English Crash Course For Free 🔴👇    • 25 Days Spoken English Crash Course F...   📞 7694860559 (Spoken English Online Classes) Acharya English Academy (One-Stop Solution For All of Your English Problems!) 🔴 Basics of Spoken English Course 1. Zero to Hero English Course 2. Live Class + Class Recording 3. English Grammar + Pratice 4. Notes | Vocabulary | Practice Sheets 5. 1:1 Doubt Resolution | Weekly Test 6. Duration : 3 Month 🔴 Advanced of Spoken English Course 1. Average to Advanced English Course 2. Live Class + Class Recording 3. GD | Debate | Interview Preparation 4. Daily Conversation | Weekly Test 5. Notes | Vocabulary | Practice Sheets 6. Duration : 3 Month 🔴 Personal English Trainer Course 1. Only 1 Student in Class 2. Basic to Advanced English 3. Personalized Learning Module 4. Notes | Vocabulary | Practice Sheets 🔴 AcharyaEnglishAcademy’s Social Media Platforms:- Youtube - Instagram - Facebook - Linkedin - Talegram - Whatsapp - Gmail - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) 🔴 Atul Choudhary Sir’s Social Media Platforms:- Youtube - Instagram - Facebook - Linkedin - Talegram - Whatsapp - Gmail - [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) #acharyaenglishacademy #theatulchoudhary #spokenenglish #onlinespokenenglishclasses #offlinespokenenglishclasses #basicenglishgrammar #advancedenglishgrammar #10thenglish #12thenglish #englishforcompetitiveexams #competitiveenglish #englishvocabulary #englishgrammar #englishspeakingcourse #englishspeakingtips #howtospeakenglish #spokenenglishforkids #tensesinenglish #modalsinenglish #passivevoiceinenglish #englishpodcast #englishconversation #improveenglish #englishpractice #speakenglishfluently #englishpracticeonline #spokenenglishliveclass #spokenenglishcourseplaylist acharya english academy | theatulchoudhary | spokenenglish | online spoken english classes | offline spoken english classes | basic english grammar | advanced english grammar |10th english | 12th english | english for competitive exams | competitive english | english vocabulary | english grammar | english speaking course | english speaking tips | how to speak english | spoken english for kids | tenses in english | modals in english | passive voice in english | english podcast | english conversation | improve english | english practice | speak english fluently | english practice online | angreji kese sikhe | spoken english live class | spoken english course playlist | English sikhne ka tarika | English padhna | English bolna sikhe | English sikhao