Youth Explosion 2023 +Sunday September 24, 2023+11am Morning Worship Service
Online Giving is Available through Givelify and CashApp: It's really easy: https://giv.li/28me5c. or $PGMBC2525 on CashApp Thank You for supporting Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church-Douglasvile Church Address: 2525 Old Lower River Road Douglasville, Ga 30135 Sunday Services: 10 am est Sunday School and 11am est Morning Worship Weekly Bible Study: Every Wednesday 7pm est on Google Meet. Access Code: uuc-tgab-ema (Be sure to include the dashes) Follow All of Our Social Media Platforms https://www.facebook.com/PGMBC?mibext... / pgmbc / ilovepgmbc Check out our website: https://www.pleasantgrovedouglasville...