Từ điển bách khoa về trái cây, tên gọi 400 trái cây (quả) trên thế giới. Học tiếng anh qua hình ảnh Fruits name list: Abiu, Açaí, Acerola, Achacha, Ackee, African cherry orange, African custard-apple, African locust bean, African mango, African mangosteen, African oil palm fruit, Aglaia teysmanniana, Alaskan bunchberry, Amanatsu, Amazon grape, Ambarella, American black elderberry, American oil palm fruit, American persimmon, American plum, American red elderberry, American red raspberry, Angular sea-fig, Annona conica, Apple, Apple berry, Apricot, Arabian coffee, Araza, Asam gelugur, Asam kelubi, Atemoya, Atherton raspberry, Babaco, Bacuri, Bael, Bailan melon, Bajoura citron, Bambangan, Banana, Barberry, Beach plum, Bearberry, Bengal currant, Bergamot orange, Pomegranate, Olive, Bignay, Bilberry, Bilberry cactus fruit, Bilimbi, Binjai, Biribá, Bitter orange, Black apple, Black cherry, Black currant, Black mulberry, Black sapote, Blackberry, Blood lime, Blood orange, Blue guarri, Blue tongue, Blueberry, Bolivian mountain coconut, Bolwarra, Boquila, Boysenberry, Brazil cherry, Brazilian guava, Breadfruit, Breadnut, Brush cherry, Buddha's hand, Burahol, Burdekin plum, Burmese grape, Bush butter fruit, Button mangosteen, Cacao, Cainito, Calabur fruit, Calamondin, Calligonum junceum, Cam sành, Camu camu, Canadian bunchberry, Canary melon, Canistel, Cape gooseberry, Cardón fruit, Cashew apple, Casimiroa, Cassabanana, Cattley guava, Cawesh, Cedar Bay cherry, Cempedak, Centennial variegated kumquat, Ceylon gooseberry, Changunga, Charichuelo, Cherimoya, Cherry, Cherry elaeagnus, Cherry of the Rio Grande, Crane melon, Creek plum, Creeping raspberry, Crenshaw melon, Crowberry, Cudrang, Cupuaçu, Curry berry, Custard apple, Damson, Darwin's barberry, Date, Date-plum, Davidson's plum, Dead man's fingers, Desert fig, Desert lime, Desert quandong, Dewberry, Doub palm fruit, Dragon fruit, Duguetia confinis, Duguetia spixiana, Durian, Eastern mayhaw, Eastern teaberry, Elderberry, Elephant apple, Emblic, Emu apple, Emu berry, Engkala, Etrog, European cantaloupe, Feijoa, Fibrous satinash, Ficus carrii, Fig, Finger lime, Flatwoods plum, Florentine citron, Fox grape, Gấc, Gamboge, Garcinia cambogia, Garcinia forbesii, Giant granadilla, Glenniea philippinensis, Golden kiwifruit, Gomortega, Gooseberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Green plum, Greengage, Guava, Guavaberry, Gubinge, Hackberry, Hairless rambutan, Hala fruit, Hardy kiwi, Hawthorn, Honeyberry, Honeydew melon, Honeysuckle, Horned melon, Huckleberry, Hydnora abyssinica, Hyuganatsu, Ice-cream bean, Ichang papeda, Ilama, Iyokan, Jabuticaba, Jackfruit, Jagua, Jambolan, Japanese bramble berry, Jelly palm fruit, Jiangsu kumquat, Jícara, Jocote, Jujube, Juniper berry, Kabosu, Kaffir lime, Kahikatea, Karkalla fruit, Kei apple, Kelsey plum, Keluak, Key lime, King coconut, Kinnow, Kiwifruit, Kiyomi, Kokum, Kola nut, Korean melon, Korlan, Kumquat, Kundong, Kwai muk, Langsat, Lardizabala, Lemon, Lemon aspen fruit, Lime, Limeberry, Limequat, Lingonberry, Little gooseberry, Loganberry, Longan, Loquat, Lovi-lovi, Lúcuma, Luóhàn guǒ, Lychee, Malabar plum, Malay rose apple, Mamey sapote, Mammee, Mandarin orange, Mangaba, Mango, Mangshanyegan, Manoao, Maprang, Maqui berry, Marolo, Marula, Mayapple, Maypop, Medlar, Menteng, Meyer lemon, Midgen berry, Miracle fruit, Molucca bramble berry, Monkey fruit, Monkey jackfruit, Monkeypod, Monstera deliciosa, Mora común, Mora de castilla, Moriche palm fruit, Mortiño, Mountain soursop, Mundu, Muntrie, Muscadine, Muskmelon, Myrtle-leaved orange, Nageia, Nannyberry, Naranjilla, Natal orange, Native cherry, Native currant, Nectarine, Neem, Nepali hog plum, Niedzwetzky's apple, Noni, North american cantaloupe, Nutmeg, Ōgonkan, Ooray, Orange, Oregon grape, Oroblanco, Otaheite gooseberry, Oval kumquat, Papaya, Passiflora platyloba, Passionfruit, Pawpaw, Peach, Peanut butter fruit, Pear, Pentadiplandra brazzeana, Pepino, Pequi, Persian lime, Persimmon, Peruvian apple cactus fruit, Phalsa, Pigeon plum, Pili, Pineapple, Pitanga, Pitomba-da-bahia, Plum, Plum pine fruit, Podocarpus, Pomegranate, Pomelo, Pond apple, Ponderosa lemon, Prickly pear fruit, Prumnopitys, Pulasan, Purple apple-berry, Purple guava, Purple mangosteen, Quince, Raisin tree fruit, Rambutan, Ramontchi, Rangpur, Raspberry, Red bush apple, Red currant, Red fruit, Red huckleberry, Red mulberry, Rhubarb, Rowan, Rukam, Sageretia, Saguaro fruit, Salak, Salal, Salmonberry, Sandpaper fig, Santa Claus melon, Santol, Sapodilla #fruits #fruitname #vocabulary #traicay #encyclopedia #tencacloaiqua Tiki Bar Mixer by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song... License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... If you like video please SUBSCRIBE – LIKE – SHARE - COMMENT. Thank you for watching! ▽ Follow EDMGo Official: ★ Youtube → http://bit.ly/2ItQFzf ★ Facebook → http://bit.ly/2GQEM4x ★ Twitter → http://bit.ly/2VXIb6H