2018-12-30 Messiah Lutheran Church 11 am Traditional Service

2018-12-30 Messiah Lutheran Church 11 am Traditional Service

Messiah Lutheran Church, 11 am Traditional Service. The First Sunday of Christmas. -------- Highlights from the Service ------- Prelude, Piano Duet, "Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella", by Barbara Teague and Judy Hodge (0:01). Welcome (3:06), and Greeting (6:48), by Pastor Liz Lowry. Gathering Song, "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing" (3:36). Canticle of Praise, "O Come, All Ye Faithful" (6:57). The Reading from Colossians, by Sally Long (9:00). The Reading of the Gospel from Luke, by Pastor Liz Lowry (11:25). The Sermon, "Shed the Old, Put On the New", by Pastor Liz Lowry (13:26). Hymns, "For the Beauty of the Earth" (28:33). Prayers of the People, by Pastor Liz Lowry (32:13). Special Music, by Barbara Teague, organ (36:38). Announcement Slides (44:53). Announcements, by Pastor Liz Lowry (50:25). Sending Song, "Go Tell It on the Mountain" (52:12). Postlude, "Carol Medley", by Judy Hodge, piano (55:17). -------- Credits ------- Barbara Teague is guest organist. Sound by Nick Price. Video by Gary Schmandt. -------- Contact Us ------- Messiah Lutheran Church, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Phone: (614) 866-4386 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.messiahlutheran.net YouTube Channel:    / @messiahlutheranchurchreyno7461