7 Shocking Truths About Black People in the Bible""BILLY GRAHAM MOTIVATION

7 Shocking Truths About Black People in the Bible""BILLY GRAHAM MOTIVATION

In "7 Shocking Truths About Black People in the Bible," Billy Graham uncovers powerful biblical references and stories that highlight the significant roles of Black individuals throughout Scripture. From key figures like Moses’ wife Zipporah to the Ethiopian eunuch, this eye-opening sermon explores the deep spiritual heritage and contributions of Black people in the Bible. Graham emphasizes the importance of unity, love, and the recognition of all races within God’s plan. This sermon brings valuable insights for those seeking a deeper understanding of biblical history and the diverse people who played pivotal roles in it. 7 Shocking Truths About Black People in the Bible""BILLY GRAHAM MOTIVATION Timestamps: Introduction: 00:00 - 03:00 The Role of Black People in Biblical Times: 03:01 - 12:00 Key Biblical Figures of African Descent: 12:01 - 24:00 Unity and Diversity in Scripture: 24:01 - 39:00 Reason to Watch: This sermon provides a fresh perspective on the presence and significance of Black people in the Bible, promoting unity and spiritual growth. Engaging Hashtags: #BillyGraham #BiblicalTruths #BlackHistoryInTheBible #DiversityInScripture #AfricanHeritage #SpiritualUnity #BibleTeachings #ChristianFaith #BiblicalFigures #GodsPlanForAll #BlackBiblicalFigures #FaithAndHistory #UnityInChrist #ChristianDiversity #BibleRevelations