Day 4 Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar 2022 Acclamator Class Assault Ship
Here we go with the daily builds from the Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar for 2022. Day 4 - an Acclamator Class Assault Ship Missed a day? - catch up here on the 2022 playlist: • Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar 2022 Check out the builds from 2021 and 2020 in these playlists: 2021: • Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar 2021 2020: • Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar 2020 ▶--------COFFEE ---------◀ If you fancy buying me a cup of coffee to help support the channel, then here is the link. https://www.PayPal.Me/digwellgreenfin.... All donations will go towards improving the channel. Thanks. ▶------MY AMAZON STORE------◀ Pop into my Amazon Store and take a look at some of the things I use. All products are recommended by me, I don't promote rubbish! https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/digwell... ▶---------TUBEBUDDY LINK---------◀ Want to kick your channel up a notch with some useful tools? Tubebuddy helped me! https://www.tubebuddy.com/DigwellGree... ▶---------VIDEO TAGS ETC---------◀ #legostarwars #legoadventcalendar #starwarsadventcalendar #acclamator #75340 Day 4 Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar 2022 Acclamator Class Assault Ship ▶---------AMAZON DISCLAIMER---------◀ “Digwell Greenfingers” is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees (at no cost to yourself) by advertising and linking to http://Amazon.co.uk.