SWFL Eagles 3-9-25.  M15's Afternoon Double Dip Bath; Dries in the Nest Tree; Both Take Sunday Off!

SWFL Eagles 3-9-25. M15's Afternoon Double Dip Bath; Dries in the Nest Tree; Both Take Sunday Off!

Video opens with M15 flying out of the shade of the office oak, down to the pond. M15 gets a sip, wades in, soaks, and gets started on his late afternoon bath. When done bathing, M15 hops/flaps to shore. M15 hops back into the pond for a quick, vigorous double dip. M15 hops/flaps back to shore, shakes/flaps water off, then flies to the nest tree. A Loggerhead Shrike pesters him a few times, then leaves. M15 dries and preens on the inner branch. CamOps appears to be looking at the brood patch area while M15 is perched. At 10:32, it appears the brood patch area is covered in down feathers, or it could just be the angle and body feathers appearing that way. After more preening and drying, M15 leaves the nest tree to join F23. CamOps finds both perched on the NW power poles. M15 leaves first, then F23 leaves eighty+ minutes later, likely heading to join M15 to roost. Time stamps below, if interested. Click on any time stamp to advance to that part. Video includes on screen captions. Brood patch: https://www.elfruler.com/?tooltips=br... The topic of interest is will there be a second clutch this season. We can only watch and see. For more on the topic of hormones and second clutches, elfruler's website has a lot of information for those interested. The "Biology" section on her search bar has a wealth of information on hormones. Here is the link to elfruler's blog on the February 2020 second clutch at SWFL Eagle Cam: https://www.elfruler.com/?p=2754 Here is the link to elfruler's 12-3-2020 updated page on "SECOND CLUTCHES AT WILD BALD EAGLE NESTS": https://www.elfruler.com/?page_id=3218 Flickr post, dated 2-25-25, from the SWFL Eagle Cam Team - "Will there be a Second clutch for M15 and F23, Season 13, 2024/2025" https://www.flickr.com/photos/1379658... SWFL Eagles banner report for 3-9-25: M15 and F23 were away most of the day. M took a bath at the pond at 4:59p, dried off on the outer branch. M flew to N powerpole, F23 perched on the tall powerpole. M flew E at 5:51p, F at 7:12p. Great Spirit keep them safe, E24 and E25 in your care. Thumbnail - M15 Time stamps: Provided in DVR time; actual time is on the cam clock. 00:00. Opening. 00:06. M15 flies out of the office oak, down to the pond. 00:23. M15 gets a sip. 00:30. Close view of M15 at the water's edge. 01:48. M15 wades in, does a couple of face dips. 02:22. M15 wades in further, gets his bath started with face dunks, then soaking. 02:47. M15 moves closer to shore, more bathing. 03:11. M15 moves a little deeper, more bathing with body dunks and shoulder dips. 03:55. Shoulder dips, face dips. 04:21. More vidorgous bathing. 05:59. M15 hops/flaps to shore, shakes the water off. 06:44. M15 hops back in for the double dip; more vigorous bathing. 07:08. M15 hops/flaps back to shore, shakes water off. 07:34. Rousing water off, flapping water off. 07:47. Rousing water off, flapping water off. 07:59. M15 flies to the nest tree, Cam3/Cam1. 08:31. Loggerhead Shrike pesters M15 on the outer branch. 09:32. M15, close view. 09:59. M15 moves to the inner branch, rests one foot while perching on the other. 10:08. CamOps appears to be looking for a brood patch (not seen). 12:12. Preening. 13:24. Preening. 13:51. Preening. 14:43. M15 leaves to join F23, Cam1/Cam3. 14:48. CamOps finds both on the NW power poles; M15/right. 15:27. Panned back view of the NW power poles. 15:39. M15 leaves. 15:49. F23 leaves. Season 13 History: Egg #1 - laid 11-8-24 @ 2:38PM Egg #2 - laid 11-11-24 @ 6:15PM Egg #1 - pip observed 12-13-24 @ 9:40AM (09:40:26) Egg #1 (E24) - hatched 12-14-24 @ 16:01:35 (4:01PM) Egg #2 - pip observed 12-15-24 @ 3:06PM (15:06:53) Egg#2 (E25) - hatched 12-17-24 @ 5:48AM (05:48:26) E24 - passed away 1-26-25 @ 18:41 (6:41PM) from HPAI (avian flu) E25 - passed away 1-28-25 @ 02:55 (2:55AM) from HPAI (avian flu) Official Facebook page for Southwest Florida Eagle Cam:   / southwestfloridaeaglecam   (This is a public page. You do not need a FB account to view the page.) Website for Southwest Florida Eagle Cam: https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/s... Updates and links are posted by the SWFEC Team in the chat box