Methylcobalamin tablets 1500 mcg uses in hindi / Nurokind OD tablet / Methylcobalamin tablets

Methylcobalamin tablets 1500 mcg uses in hindi / Nurokind OD tablet / Methylcobalamin tablets

Methylcobalamin tablets 1500 mcg uses in hindi / Nurokind OD tablet / Methylcobalamin tablets #methylcobalamin #mecobalamin #creativehealthcare Methylcobalamin is also known as mecobalamin it is a active form of vitamin B12. Methylcobalamin tablets are used to treat vitamin B12 deficiency megaloblastic anaemia peripheral and diabetic neuropathy. In this video we will discuss about:- Methylcobalamin tablets strengths brands uses dosage side effects precautions. #methylcobalamin #mecobalamin #methylcobalamintablets #neuropathy #pharmacistdanish #creativehealthcare Gabapentin and Methylcobalamin tablets:-    • Gabapentin and Methylcobalamin tablet...   Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin capsules:-    • Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin capsul...   Nurokind plus rf capsule:-    • Nurokind Plus Rf Capsule uses in hind...   Neurobion fort tablets:-    • नसो का दर्द ओर कमजोरी की बेस्ट दवाई /...   Like share comment. Please do subscribe my channel creative healthcare. Disclaimer :- We create videos for education and information purpose only.Please consult your doctor before taking any medicine.we are not promoting self medication.This channel doesn't take any responsibility for any harm,side effect or any health problem caused due to the use of our content.