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Excerpt from our spoiler review. Read the description and click the link below for more details. _____ • Book of Boba Fett Chapter 6: From the... "From The Desert Comes A Stranger" takes Star Wars movie magic to a whole new level. The Pyke Syndicate is now running spice through Mos Pelgo, but Marshall Cobb Vanth puts an end to the transaction. Din Djarin wants to see Grogu, but Ahsoka denies him the opportunity. Luke trains Grogu, but does Grogu really want to be a Jedi? Back at Boba's Palace, Fennec lays out a battle plan. Din recruits Vanth to help defeat the Pykes. From the desert, something wicked this way comes. Max Rebo calls in sick, then the Sanctuary is destroyed. Coincidence? Grogu can get with the beskar or get with the lightsaber. The choice is his. Attention John Williams fans: Don't miss the Livestream of "The Music of John Williams", Damon Gupton conducting the Cincinnati Pops, Livestream on Sunday, February 6th at 2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific on the Pops YouTube channel and Facebook page.