BLADE 4 - Teaser Trailer (2026)🔥💯#shorts #trailer #blade
This is my BLADE 4 - Teaser Trailer (2026) New Marvel Movie Concept is the original concept I created a few years ago bringing back Wesley Snipes as our Marvel's Blade, as seen in Deadpool & Wolverine, and uniting him with Selene and the Underworld movie universe in a finale to the franchise. ------------------‪@newworld24film‬ There is interest in a fourth Blade film starring Wesley Snipes, and some say it could happen. This would be in addition to the upcoming Blade film starring Mahershala Ali. Snipes could return as Blade in a new role while Ali continues to play Blade in the MCU. Ryan Reynolds was also asking for Wesley Snipes to return as Blade “The audience reaction when Wesley Snipes enters the movie is the most intense thing I’ve seen or heard in a theatre More Blade please **Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use, due to the fact that it demonstrates/conceptualizes a specific or non-existing film idea, and compiles clips from previously existing productions to create a creatively unique vision and give new meaning. The video displays visual commentary on how a film idea could look #blade4​ #blade4teaser​ #blade4teasertrailer​ #blade4movietrailer​ #wesleysnipes​ #katebeckinsale​ #blade4movie​ #blade4newmovie​ #blade4newtrailer​ #blade4newmovietrailer​ #blade4movieteaser​ #blade4movieteasertrailer​ #marvel​ #marveltrailer​ #newtrailer​ #trailer​ #movietrailer​ #movietrailers​ #newmovie​ #newmarvelmovie​ #blade4wesleysnipes​ #newblademovie​ #newblade4movie​ #newbladetrailer​ #blade4newtrailer​ #marvelbladetrailer​ #marvelbladeteaser​ #marvelbladeteasertrailer