New Life's Advent Festival Worship Service of Nine Lessons & Carols on December 8th, 2024,

New Life's Advent Festival Worship Service of Nine Lessons & Carols on December 8th, 2024,

Advent Festival Worship Service on December 8th, 2024, at New Life Ev. Lutheran Church of Lake Zurich. Service folder/bulletin: Before Service Prayer: O Lord, our heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, You have brought us safely to this new day. Defend us with Your mighty power, and grant that this day we neither fall into sin nor run into any kind of danger; and in all we do, direct us to what is right in Your sight, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen. As We Gather: In 1934, sixteen years after he had introduced to King's College, Cambridge, the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve, the Dean, Eric Milner-White, composed a further service - a Procession with Carols upon Advent Sunday. His desire for more imaginative forms of worship appears in the preface he wrote to that service: "In the old English liturgies, the Advent Offices made a preparation for the coming of our Lord to this earth far more vivid and eager than those of our present prayer book. So, an Advent carol service, if without precedent, is not without suitability, if it helps to express 'the desire of all nations and ages.'" The purpose of the service was not to celebrate Christmas, but to expect it. Today’s Service: Carols and music reprinted under #A-800156 and under CCLI license #1132777. Personal Preparation for Holy Communion: p. 295-296 "Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal". Christian hymns preach Jesus Christ: crucified, risen and seated at God's right hand. The hymns in this service are from "Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal" ©2021 Northwestern Publishing House. Used with permission. Additional hymns: "Christian Worship Supplement" ©2008 Northwestern Publishing House. Used with permission. #newlifewelslz