Day & Night Prayer of Pleading the BLOOD of JESUS - To SPEAK BETTER  THINGS For You/Work & Family.

Day & Night Prayer of Pleading the BLOOD of JESUS - To SPEAK BETTER THINGS For You/Work & Family.

Day & Night Prayer of Pleading the BLOOD of JESUS - To SPEAK Good THINGS For You, Work & Family. We have put this prayer together according to Hebrews 12:24 and other related verses in the Bible on the Blood of Jesus. declare and speak His Word about Jesus's Blood, Meditate on the related verses as indicated in the prayer. As you do so, may God's protection be manifested in your life and family always in Jesus' Mighty name... Amen We have looped this Pleading the Blood of Jesus that speaks good things for us. To help our subscribers heart to be in tune with is prayer points as you meditate on them in your heart. Repeating a prayer create a room for meditation and renewing of your heart, and will let the prayer keep flowing in your thoughts as listen and pray along. As these plays, and you pray along. Meditate on The Verses, and be blessed more in Jesus' name. Find the timestamps of each prayer below:👇👇 Day & Night Prayer of Pleading the BLOOD of JESUS - To SPEAK Good THINGS For You, Work & Family. 0:00:00 - Video intro about the healing prayer. 0:00:34 - Prayer of thanksgiving & acknowledgement to God for His loving kindness. 0:01: 33 - Prayer of request of the speaking power in the Blood of Jesus for oneself and family. 0:09:43 - Prayer of the Blood according to Colossians 2 verse 14. 0:11:35 - Prayer of the Blood of Jesus Based on Jeremiah 5:25, Speaking Blood over all areas of life. 0:35:07 - Prayer of bringing Family members under the power of the Speaking Blood of Jesus 0:40:16 - Prayer of declaration in the Blood of Jesus Christ 0:42:34 -Prayer of appreciation and thanks to God, the Lor and Holy Spirit 0:44:46 - Prayer End. Image credit : unsplash. Video credit : free Christianbackgroundloop Music: