The DARK TRUTH About Cane Corsos—5 Things No One Tells You!

The DARK TRUTH About Cane Corsos—5 Things No One Tells You!

Thinking about getting a Cane Corso? THINK AGAIN! Before you bring home this powerful guardian breed, you NEED to know what you’re signing up for. In this video, I reveal the 5 BIG reasons why a Cane Corso might NOT be the right dog for you! While they are loyal, protective, and highly intelligent, Cane Corsos require serious training, experienced handling, and a lifestyle that suits their temperament. If you’re not prepared, this breed can be overwhelming! Make sure to watch till the end because the last reason might SHOCK you! If you own a Cane Corso or are planning to get one, drop your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s discuss! Subscribe for more dog-related content! #CaneCorso #Dogs #DogTraining #CaneCorsoPuppy #CaneCorsoFacts #GuardDogs #BigDogs #DangerousDogs #DogOwnerMistakes