क्या खाने से Control होगा सोरायसिस | Best Vitamins & Minerals for Fast Psoriasis Recovery | Vitamins

क्या खाने से Control होगा सोरायसिस | Best Vitamins & Minerals for Fast Psoriasis Recovery | Vitamins

सोरायसिस को जल्दी ठीक करने के लिए क्या खाएं? | Best Vitamins & Minerals for Psoriasis Recovery | Dr. Health In this informative video, Dr. Megha Chaturvedi will delve into superfoods, unveiling five potent ingredients known for their beneficial properties in alleviating psoriasis symptoms. Learn about these foods' vital vitamins and minerals and how they can positively impact your skin health. Watch this complete video for detailed insights on the topic. If you and some you know have Psoriasis, you can contact us at the number mentioned in the video. We are available 24/7 for free online consultation. You can also share us your reports via WhatsApp. Address : B-92, Sushant Lok, Phase 1, Near Millennium City Centre Metro Station, Gurugram, Haryana - 122009 Discover the power of nutrition in managing Psoriasis with our latest video. Psoriasis can be challenging, but certain foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals can significantly impact its management. Essential topics covered in this video: Why is Vitamin D important? How does Vitamin B12 help in Psoriasis? What foods or fruits should you consume to maintain iron in your body? All these minerals and vitamins make our body clean and give strength to the body to fight skin disorders like Psoriasis. The treatment you are taking for Psoriasis works well on your body, so all the problems related to Psoriasis go away. It is happening; we get relief from them. #psoriasis #psoriasistreatment #psoriasisdiet #vitamins #minerals #iron #skindiseases #drhealth #drmeghachaturvedi