A ram sam sam poem / nursery rhymes/ English poem

A ram sam sam poem / nursery rhymes/ English poem

A Ram Sam Sam song for kids. Johny's friends are dancing ,,A Ram Sam Sam", a popular kids dance and action song. Dance songs for kids that will get everyone moving🎮New game with Johny and Friends. #babasharo #johnyandfriends #aramsamsam #kidSong #Songforkids #Singalong #SongsForBabies #toddlerSongs #kidscartoon Kids love some fun music. A Ram Sam Sam is a traditional children's song from Morocco, where children perform certain actions with lyrics. Kids of all ages will laugh, dance and sing along with this engaging fun action song. Dance songs for kids are perfect to help children get moving and have fun. Have fun singing these nursery rhymes with actions together with your babies, toddlers and preschoolers. 🎵 A Ram Sam Sam LYRICS 👇 Aramsamsam A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam, Guli guli, guli guli, guli, ram sam sam. A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam, Guli guli, guli guli, guli, ram sam sam. A rafiq, a rafiq Guli guli, guli guli, guli, ram sam sam. A rafiq, a rafiq Guli guli, guli guli, guli, ram sam sam. #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #BabySongs #ChildrenSongs #Rhymes #kidsvideos #babasharotv #babasharosongs #kidssongs #aramsamsam #арамзамзам #учимсятанцевать #песнидлядетей #PreschoolSong #NurserySong #KindergartenSong #KidsEducation #kidsentertainme