Resident Evil 5 Project Brutality Solo Veteran Full Playthrough

Resident Evil 5 Project Brutality Solo Veteran Full Playthrough

Full solo playthrough of the Project Brutality mod for Resident Evil 5 on the veteran difficulty. This mod aims to create a more challenging experience for the main campaign of Resident Evil 5 by doing enemy swaps and edits, editing the items you receive, and changing the count, weapons, attributes, and health for enemies in multiple chapters. It is recommended to play this mod on veteran or professional mode with a clear file and only making upgrades between each mission, I started this with a default loadout of a pistol, shotgun, and sniper (not upgraded) because trying to progress with the Ai partner with just pistols was too complicated because they just waste the little ammo that we get in this mod. Check below for a link to the mod if you would like to try it for yourself, and just to note, this mod does work for online co-op but you may experience some bugs and crashes.   / notdrewstraight     / drew_straight   Project Brutality Campaign Mod: Sheva BSAA Costume Mod: Fov Mod (Uses the same fov as the Xbox one and PS4 ports):