시금치 팽이버섯 당근 무침 Seasoned Spinach Sigeumchi Muchim by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni

시금치 팽이버섯 당근 무침 Seasoned Spinach Sigeumchi Muchim by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni

Homemade Cook Grandmother’s meal that is loved by her granddaughter The heart of a mother who prepares dishes for her son and daughter who are not good at cooking. I give the heart of a grandmother who prepares home-cooked meals for her granddaughter and grandson. This is a Korean food YouTube channel, a Korean mom cooking vlog. 시금치 팽이버섯 당근 무침이에요. 궁합좋은 야채, 채소를 건강하게 무쳐서 만들어 먹어 보아요~ 손맛으로 찬찬히 맛있게, 간단히 뚝딱 만들어 보아요~ This is Seasoned Spinach with Enoki Mushrooms and Carrots Siguemchi Muchim Taste the plenty of vegetables! Let's make it simple and eat compatible vegetables with your magic touch! Seasoned Spinach with Enoki Mushrooms and Carrots Siguemchi Muchim by Korean Grandmother Halmeoni Recipe 시금치 Spinach 1.5 (bunch) 팽이버섯 100g Enoki Mushrooms 1/2 less 3.5 oz 당근 Carrot 1/2 볶은 소금 천일염 Roasted Sea Salt 1/2 Tsp + 1/2 Tsp 다진 마늘 Minced Garlic 1 Tbsp 참기름 Sesame Oil 2 Tbsp 깨소금 Sesame Seeds 2 Tsp + 2 Tsp 가족들 모두 즐길 수 있는 쉬운 요리 함께 만들어 보아요! Let’s make an easy dish together that the whole family can enjoy!