MONSTAX ( 몬스타엑스) - One Day Dance Challenge | #shorts | K-Pop Daebak Dance Company

MONSTAX ( 몬스타엑스) - One Day Dance Challenge | #shorts | K-Pop Daebak Dance Company

Hey YouTube viewers!! If you are new here & haven't heard the news, this channel is now the official K-Pop Daebak Dance Company channel If you would like to know why there are big changes going on, make sure to head on over this channel's Instagram If you would like to join the KPD Fam, please make sure to Smash that Subscribe Button, and Turn on the Post-Notification Bell to view every video that we post before anyone else!! One Love~~ DANCER INFO: Name: Tijaha Richardson CEO & Founder of KDDC IG: ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× Do you need any K-Cover Outfit Ideas or Inspiration?🤔 👗👕👖 Check out KDDC on Pinterest!! 📌 ⬇️⬇️ ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× FOLLOW KDDC ON OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS 🤳🏿👩🏿‍💻⬇️⬇️ Facebook♥️: Instagram💙: Tik-Tok🤍: ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× Edited by: Tijaha Richardson Instagram: Portfolio YouTube Channel: Main YouTube Channel: Business Emails: tijaharichardson18@gmail com aspiringartistfilmmaker@gmail com #MONSTAX #kpop #OneDayDanceChallenge #tiktok